Worldview Survey
Here is a very "unscientific" survey to help you determine if you have any traces of an unbiblical worldview in your thinking. This survey is a work in progress. I have used variations of it in the past to help others do this very thing. In order to take the survey you may want to cut and paste this post into a word document and then follow the instructions below.
Instructions: Next to each subject place the number of the category you think that it best fits into (either 1 or 2).
1. Sacred - Having religious value (Meaning that you see this as holy or as useful for the kingdom of God).
2. Secular - Having no religious value (That could mean that you think of it as neutral, or that you think of it as worldly, evil, or sinful in some way).
If you would, please post a comment letting me know what your results are. You can make it easy by just grouping the subjects by the category you put them in. I will have a future post to let you know what the results indicate.
Instructions: Next to each subject place the number of the category you think that it best fits into (either 1 or 2).
1. Sacred - Having religious value (Meaning that you see this as holy or as useful for the kingdom of God).
2. Secular - Having no religious value (That could mean that you think of it as neutral, or that you think of it as worldly, evil, or sinful in some way).
- Football
- Beer
- Profit
- The Environment
- Politics
- Sex
- Advertising
- Church
- Halloween
- Dancing
- The Bible
- Government
- Vacations
- Family
- Farming
- Science
- Rap Music
- Technology
- Anger
- Philosophy
- Movies
- Journalism
- Banking
- Theology
- Mathematics
- Preaching
- Evangelism
- Entertainment
- Food
- Marijuana
If you would, please post a comment letting me know what your results are. You can make it easy by just grouping the subjects by the category you put them in. I will have a future post to let you know what the results indicate.
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